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vr jun 06, 2014 8:35 pm
Raenarra Laatste bericht bekijken
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11Reeds beantwoord...
ma maa 03, 2014 12:56 pm
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do okt 16, 2014 10:11 pm
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1538It's Raining Rai...
zo mei 25, 2014 6:50 pm
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In game ~ Westeros

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The North

The NorthDe meest noordelijkste provincie van Westeros en ook de grootste. Hier hebben de Bolton's het voor het zeggen vanuit het kasteel genaamd Winterfell. De noorderlingen zijn sterke mensen en dat moet ook wel voor wanneer het winter word, dan kan het er heel erg koud worden en soms dreigt er ook gevaar van het noorden van de muur. Daar eindigt het noorden ook, bij de grote muur, die zorgt ervoor dat het echte noorden buiten bereik blijft.
Winterfell, Bear Island, The Grey Cliffs, The Rills, Cape Kraken, The Barrowlands, Stony Shore, Sea Dragon Point, Wolfswood, The Wall
127Bad luck | &Caiu...
do mei 29, 2014 7:04 pm
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The Vale of Arryn

Ruled by House Arryn from the castle known as the Eyrie. Bastards born in the Vale take the surname "Stone". The principal port and city of the Vale is Gulltown. The Vale is dominated and mostly covered by the Mountains of the Moon and its offshoot chains. Its borders are prowled by hostile hill tribes.

The Eyrie, The Fingers, The Mountains of the Moon, Wickendon, Gulltown
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The Riverlands

Ruled by House Tully from the castle of Riverrun. Bastards born in the Riverlands take the surname "Rivers". The principal ports of the Riverlands are Seagard, Saltpans and Maidenpool. Notable towns include Stoney Sept. The Riverlands are dominated by the mighty River Trident and its numerous tributaries, including the Tumblestone. The Riverlands, lying close to the center of the continent, have been the site for battles and conflicts throughout the history of Westeros. Once an independent kingdom, they were overrun by the ironborn a century before Aegon's invasion and are thus not counted as an eighth kingdom, despite their significant size and population. The Riverlands are, as their name suggests, one of the most fertile and populous regions in Westeros, which is in many ways the only reason they have been consistently able to recover from the frequent wars that cross their borders.

The Twins, Riverrun, Isle of Faces, High Heart, Whispering Wood, Wendish Town, Stoney Sept, Maidenpool
217You're mine now ...
zo mei 25, 2014 7:20 pm
Carya Laatste bericht bekijken
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The Westerlands

Ruled by House Lannister from the castle of Stormcrow. Bastards born in the Westerlands take the surname "Hill". The principal city and port of the Westerlands is Lannisport. The Westerlands are noted for their hills and low mountains which are rich in silver and gold, providing House Lannister and their vassals with immense wealth

Casterly Rock, Lannisport, Ironman's Bay, The Searoad, The Goldroad, Fair Isle, Tumblestone
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The Iron Islands

Ruled by House Greyjoy from the castle of Pyke on the island of the same name. Bastards born on the Iron Islands take the surname "Pyke". The major islands of the chain are Great Wyk, Old Wyk, Harlaw, Blacktyde, Orkmont, Saltcliffe and Pyke itself. The Iron Islands are rain-lashed and cold, home to a hardy, warrior race known as the ironborn. They live for warfare and reaving, and are the most troublesome and rebellious of the Iron Throne's subjects.

Pyke, Harlaw, Great Wyk, Old Wyk, Orkmont, Saltcliffe, Blacktyde
212A Lion in a Cage...
zo jun 15, 2014 6:24 pm
Raenarra Laatste bericht bekijken
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The Crownlands

Ruled directly by the King on the Iron Throne from the city of King's Landing, the largest city in Westeros and the capital of the Seven Kingdoms. Bastards born in the Crownlands take the surname "Waters". Other notable townships of the Crownlands include Duskendale and Rosby. The Crownlands stretch along the shores of Blackwater Bay and also across several islands in the Narrow Sea, such as Dragonstone, Driftmark and Claw Isle. The islands are separately administered from Dragonstone.

King's Landing, Crackclaw Point, Dragonstone, Claw Isle, Blackwater Bay, The Kingswood
16Goodmorning sist...
do mei 29, 2014 10:27 pm
Saera Laatste bericht bekijken
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The Stormlands

Ruled by House Baratheon from the castle of Storm's End. Bastards born in the Stormlands take the surname "Storm". The Stormlands include several offshore islands, most notably Estermont and Tarth. It ranks moderately among the other regions in terms of population and wealth. The Stormlands are wracked by frequent storms off the Narrow Sea, and experience significant rainfall. The Stormlands are also one of the most densely wooded areas in Westeros, particularly south of the Neck. It contains not only the Rainwood (which covers the southern half of the Stormlands), but also shares much of the Kingswood (spilling across the northern border with the Crownlands). As a result, its climate is in general that of a temperate rainforest.

Storm's end, Dragonstone, Tarth, Shipbreaker Bay
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The Reach

The Reach is one of the constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms, and was formerly a sovereign nation known as the Kingdom of the Reach before the Targaryen conquest. It is one of the larger regions of the Seven Kingdoms.

Highgarden, Oldtown, Honeywine, Roseroad, Shield Islands, Redwyne Straits
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Ruled by House Martell from the castle of Sunspear. Bastards born in Dorne take the surname "Sand". The principal ports of Dorne are Sunspear itself and the Planky Town at the mouth of the Greenblood. The people of Dorne are isolated from the rest of Westeros by the Sea of Dorne and the Red Mountains, giving them a greater sense of national identity than most of the other peoples of the Seven Kingdoms, even more than the ironborn and the Northmen. Since Robert's Rebellion and the murder of several prominent Dornish nobles during the Sack of King's Landing, the Dornish have pursued a more isolationist path.

Brimstone, Scourge, Greenblood, Vaith, Sunspear
12Spit in the face...
zo mei 18, 2014 11:17 am
Caius Laatste bericht bekijken
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Beyond the Wall

A vast, snow-covered wilderness independent from the Iron Throne and separated from the Seven Kingdoms by the Wall. It is inhabited by tribes of people known as wildlings, who often attempt to raid along the Bay of Seals or the Bay of Ice or climb over the Wall for the same purposes.

Haunted Forest, The Fist of the First Men, Frostfangs, Milkwater, Lands of Always Winter, Frozen Shore
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